Do you require assistance with probate matters overseas?

Erin International can assist with the following matters;

Medallion Signature Guarantee:

If you’re administering an estate, you may need to transfer (or sell) stocks and shares to named beneficiaries. To do so, you may need to obtain a Medallion Signature Guarantee.

The Medallion Signature Guarantee is a bar-coded signature approval. It’s an anti-fraud measure introduced in the USA post-9/11 to prevent cross-border fraud and money laundering, and to tackle terrorism.

In simple terms, an organisation providing the Medallion Signature Guarantee is giving assurance that the person who signed the appropriate form is the right person, and was entitled to do so.

Valuation of Shares:

When dealing with estate administration, it’s important that Executors or Personal Representatives secure the correct valuation for any stocks and shares held by the Deceased.

We can assist with the formal valuation of shares, and can provide it via appointed solicitors, accountants or lay Executors.

As with all of our services, we operate a clear pricing policy for share valuation services through our UK partners IWC Probate.

UK Probate:

Do you need to enquire about extracting a Grant of Probate in the UK or Spain?

Gaining access to a Grant of Probate certificate is a complex process involving the Inland Revenue and the UK Probate Court, and generally benefits from expert intervention from a local practitioner.

We can assist with your UK probate enquires, ensuring you receive excellent service and value for money.

To make an enquiry, please complete the online form below and we will contact you by return.

Section 1 - Your Details

Section 2 - Deceased Details

Section 3 - Service Required

Please provide as much information regarding your query as possible
Max - 15MB. Allowed filetypes: pdf, doc, docx, txt

Please upload attachments here. NB - if seeking an estimate for Medallion Stamp or Shares Valuation/Sale, please provide details of individual shareholdings